Work Habits Every Boss Expect From Their Employees

2. Staying for a longer time at office:

If you stay back for a longer time in office even after the working hours, definitely it will be appreciated by your boss and creates the image of a hard worker in your boss’s mind. It doesn’t mean you need to stay back unnecessarily at your office without any work. You should extend your work timings only if you are having any important project to finish within a short period of time or for any other important purpose.

3. Meeting deadlines on time:

Finishing the given assignment on time will be widely appreciated by your boss without any sought of doubt. So, if you are assigned any particular project, its better you prepare a time table for it as it helps you to maintain a particular working time for that project in the middle of all the other projects. But the better thing is that, it is good to concentrate on one single project as it won’t divert your mind towards any other things and helps you to finish your task on time.