When Gossiping Works Out at Workplace

4. Mood Lifter: At times we tend to get bored in our office with the same monotonous work schedule that we follow in our workplace. During such time gossip can actually prove to be stress buster when we share a joke with our co – workers or step out of the office for a coffee or a tea break.   One is sure to feel better by sharing or discussing some work related problems with another co- worker. “It’s the best way for people to express themselves and take the burden off their chest,” says Kaushik.

5. Evaluating floor for fresh ideas: If you are thinking to work on new ideas, the informal conversations at work could be a good way to evaluate out new ideas. In order to get an instant feedback put across your idea to the people around you, by this you can definitely learn the flaws in the original idea. According to Rahul Pandit, president and chief operating officer at Lemon Tree Hotels. “In an informal one-on-one setting, people are generally more willing to share their thoughts as it doesn’t follow the hierarchical set-up of an organization”.