What's the Value of Foreign Degree in India?

As Vidya Iyengar, of the DNA website, mentioned few pros and cons of having a foreign degree when it comes to getting a job along with examples. Here are they:

Yogesh Saigal, a HR Consultant, said that, many companies in India will be having a list of qualified Universities, of which the graduates from any of those foreign universities will be given a chance for the recruitment process. If a candidate’s degree from a foreign university is not there in the company’s list, the candidate will not be considered for selection. Many companies are maintaining this list of foreign universities because, he says, many of the Universities in London, Eastern Europe, Australia and Russia are not trusted by the India Inc, as no one are aware of these Universities.

The best examples Vidya had given was of Sujay Narayan and Amit Chatterjee, who got the degree from recognized foreign universities, they found it difficult to get a job in India as per their specialization.

So, as the situation is like this at present, Kris Lakshmikanth, CEO and MD of search firm HeadHunters advices that it is better to get into a reputed foreign University for your higher studies if you desire. If you fail to get into one of those universities, it is better to look out for a reputed Indian university than getting enrolled in a foreign university which doesn’t has much of recognition, reports Vidya Iyengar of DNA website.