What Kind of Software Company Should You Work For?

Yahoo and Cisco:

These companies were named as the companies having ‘Middle Earth’ culture by David Strom. These companies wanted to be challenging but they stuck in the slow-moving past, though they were having large and mature markets they failed to know what to do with them. Because of all these reasons they were called as the companies having ‘Middle Earth’ cultures. In spite of all these drawbacks they are still having legacy products and users who are unwilling to move off from these companies. This factor makes them unique. And if you have any plans to join these companies to get the experience of an international company and if you wish to find out how to support legacy products, these are the best companies where you can opt to work for. If you join any of these companies you can have lots of exposure to mergers and acquisitions. It is the right place for you, if you expect a quiet and peace working place while you are coding.