"What is Your Greatest Weakness?" - Tough to Beat


Adejoke suggests you to be relaxed, as sometimes your hiring manager tests you to know how smart you are and how well you can handle difficult questions. And this can be a best opportunity for you to show them how positively and smartly you can manage things rather than getting panic. Every employer has a particular hiring strategy to select their employer instead of merely looking for the technical skills.

Build trust:

Perhaps it is another chance for you to build a trustworthy discussion, when you asked to talk about your weakness. All the way you might have tried to appear with a good smile, confident handshake, and all other great personality traits, but this interview question can be an added advantage to build trust. The blogger advices you to be diplomatic in response, even when you talk about your negative traits, at the end you should admit a strong positive attitude which can overtake this negative traits of you. It is better to not to be defensive rather than disclosing how you are working on that to improve yourself.  While answering you should not confuse the interviewer, as it cause you to lose your job.

Be yourself:

Just for trying to impress your interviewer, if you lie about a weakness it can deprive your chance for getting the job you wished for. You will be muted when your interviewer asks to describe an incident where you troubled with your weakness, if you had said a lie about the weakness; probably you will not be able to find an answer. So whenever you attend an interview it is better not to disguise yourself. But you can polish yourself with a great attitude than acting as someone else. Also whenever you are asked a question, you should not blindly answer them, just for the sake of interview.