What is the Future of 'Gen Y' Workers?

The study described the majority of youth as a group of ‘Job hoppers’, who spend an average of only 2 years in their first placement. Among the youths, just around 36 percent list the name of their place of work. The reason for this may be due to the current job market which offers them little bit of job security in the competitive world.

According to Millennial Branding’s survey, the top industries are creating more opportunities for the youths in the future. It has mentioned that around 7.2 percent of the youths are been hired by the Travel and Hospitality industries, 4.5 of the Gen “Y” join the army, 3.9 percent get into educational sectors, 2.3 percent of them join the media industry, 2.1 percent goes to health sectors and just 1.7 percent of the youths are in the non-profit sectors.

The survey also mentioned that, around 2.5 percent of the young generation are hired as managers, 2.3 percent of them work as the interns, 1.7 percent serve as sales associates, 1.2 percent head organizations and just about 1.0 percent of the youths are into teaching field.