Watch Out! Ten Interview Questions Designed To Trick You

Watch Out! Ten Interview Questions Designed To Trick You

4. Do you know anyone who works for us?

In most of the companies, they give more preference to candidates recommended by their employees. So, it is better to have an inside connection with the company. Before, you mention one employee’s name, you make sure that employee has positive reputation in the company. The interviewer correlates your merits with that particular employee’s characteristics in fact, says Kennedy.

5. Where would you really like to work?

You should not take this as a simple and silly question. If you really want to get this job, keep your words by not telling any other company name or any other job title, you wish for. Kennedy says that a good respondent will tell, “This is where I want to work, and this job is what I want to do.” It can be an indirect sign of you’re the right candidate and you will do better in your job as it is the job you wish for.