Visually Challenged Indian Rejected by IIT, Now Admitted in Stanford

Bangalore: The world as we all know is a place of opportunity and people with the right set of skills and talent always go after them for accomplishing their goals and ambition in life. There have been instances where people inspite of having the skills, have been denied that opportunity based on their physical or mental deformities.

Such is the case of the 18 year old Karthick Sawhney who has been denied several times to take the IIT-JEE examinations in the past three years inspite of having scored 96 percent in his class 12 C.B.S.E examinations. The reason being he is blind. Sawhney is the first among the visually challenged people to have achieved this feat in the science stream. Studying with normal students would have been hard for him besides the stream being science but due to his dedication and perseverance he was able to achieve something that nobody has done before. The popular belief is that the disabilities in people restrict them from achieving their goals in life either fully or to a certain extent but Sawhney believes in success lying within one’s ability to realize and trust their strengths.