Upskilling & Career Development, the Key Trends in Workforce Retention in India

Contrary to some stereotypes, in India Gen Y employees are the most likely to remain loyal to their employers, with 72 percent motivated by a desire to advance in their current positions, higher than for Gen X (70 percent) and Baby Boomers (57 percent).

He further said, “What this survey reveals is that most of those who are seeking to upgrade their skills are actually doing it so they can advance in their existing roles. They are investing in their skills to secure their future and stay relevant in a rapidly changing business environment.”

The survey shows that 75 percent respondents in India find ‘on the job experience’ as the most valued skill development tool with 42 percent laying more stress on continued education and training.

The highest rates of planned up-skilling are in Thailand, with 83 percent set to embark on training, followed by Indonesia (78 percent), Malaysia (76 percent), China (74 percent), Singapore (66 percent), Hong Kong and Australia (both 64 percent) and India (59 percent).

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