Unemployment Raises in the World, as 30 Million More People Go Jobless

Bangalore: The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Guy Ryder  remarked that, presently there are 30 million unemployed people around the world than before the beginning of global financial crisis, as reported on ‘The Economic Times’.

These figures comes in the midst of the growing debate over the merits of austerity, particularly in Europe, where agonizing budget cuts have pushed unemployment levels to as high as 25 percent in some countries such as debt-hit Spain and Greece.   

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According to him, global un-employment is more than 30 million higher than before the beginning of the current financial crisis and unfortunately nearly 40 million people around the world have stopped searching for a job. Ryder said that around one-third of 200 million unemployed people are under the age of 25 years and out of the employed population, nearly 900 million are struggling to lift their earnings above $2 per day poverty line.

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