Top Things You Must Never Say Your Co-Worker

1.  Gossiping about the Boss or other co-workers:

Gossiping about unclear personal or professional issues of your boss or co-workers with your near and dear colleague at office is a big “NO”, because you might not know, that person with whom you are talking negatively about boss or colleague might be very close to them without your awareness. So, never ever try to talk negatively at workplace about others, especially if the person about whom you are talking is of your works in the same company. This is because; it is not possible for you to avoid facing them off every day as you work together for long hours every day.

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2. Discussing about the religious background:

Yes, especially in a country like India, as there are many religions performed by different religious groups, at a workplace, you find people coming from different religious background. So, it is better to avoid talking about particular religions of every employee, as sometimes those discussions might take a negative turn where you can end up for a debate on whose religion is the best.

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