Top People Skills That Will Boost Your Career
siliconindia | Tuesday, 11 March 2014, 17:42 IST
Listen honestly: This is the most common mistake in
understand but they listen with the intent to reply. So, give your best in every conversation you make and listen sincerely with modesty and compassion. Do not jump into sentences of the speaker or make your judgments. By giving some time you will learn and understand different communication styles that will hence forth avoid misunderstandings while interactions.
Problem Solving: Problem solving or Conflict resolution is the major skill one need in walks of life. Resolving conflicts certainly require some nerves because you’re always put in a pressure cooker situation. The best way to find possibilities is to be fair and balanced in your reasoning and always think on both sides of a coin that will make things easier in resolving. On any given situation, try to find consensus and hold people accountable for their proceedings. Focus more on the solutions or outcomes, rather than on the problem or people concerned with it.
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