Top Careers That Let You Have Fun at the Workplace

1. Nurse:
There can be no other profession better than a nurse if you really like to help the sick people. But you might also think, how can this profession can be considered as a fun profession, right? Yes, no doubt this question will rise in everyone’s mind, as hospital is been described as the place where the people only sense, pain and grief. But this is a place which also needs a person [nurse] who can make the place a bit happy place by giving in some of the warmth to the patients by talking to them about light hearted topics that helps them to forget their pain.  If you enroll in this profession, definitely, you can play a lead role in bringing in some smile on the ill person’s face by making him or her pain to forget at least for some time.  

You can get creative in this profession and crack some nice jokes while administering medicine to the patients to divert their attention.