Top 7 Ideal Careers for Extroverts

Event Planners:

Event planning is the most creative and difficult job on the list. Event planning is a hectic job which includes acquiring permits, budgeting, coordinating transportation, selecting event site, establishing date, security, catering, etc, which only a skilled speaker can handle. Their earnings are directly proportional to the scale on which they organize concerts, weddings, business meetings, etc.

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Corporate Fundraisers:

Asking people or organization to denote their hard earned money to a worthy cause is a delicate business. That is the reason why corporate fundraising events are organized and managed by people who can motivate, inspire and influence others, rather than talented salespersons. This job also includes a lot of paper work and a little event management.

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It is a highly specialized profession, ideal for a proficient speaker. An interpreter must be comfortable with reading and writing English, and at least one other language. Demand and salary depends on the specialization and fluency in particular language. Presently there is a huge demand for Middle Eastern, East Asian and Arabic language interpreters around the world. According to Bureau of Logical Statistics this profession will grow at a breath taking speed for the next eight years, with a lot of opportunities in urban areas.