Top 6 Careers You Can Start From Home

1. Photography

Are you interested in photography? Then you can turn your hobby as your career as the demand for photographers has risen in India. This profession is also considered as a most competitive profession and most of them in this profession are self-employed and in fact those who are experts in this field have hired people to work for them. The only requirements in this profession are your skill of photography with right equipments as well as with right digital tools. If you want to improve the scope of work, then you can also opt for video photography.  If you have the needed talent in you, you can start taking good photographs at the small events or functions happening inside you family circle and you can slowly turn that as your profession when you are be recognized by others outside your family circle and by your known people. The required talent includes, to be creative with a good sense to take a picture, excellent technical and photographic skills, good communication with the people, good IT Skills [especially with Photoshop] etc.