Top 5 Work Habits That Can Kill Your Career

1. Fail promoting your own work in front of others:

You would have done a great job by completing a project successfully. But if no one is aware of your achievements is a big waste, which also won’t help your reputation in any sense, neither your salary nor your career advancing opportunity. So, as many of you hide showcasing your good job to others, it is better to make sure at least your managers are aware of your achievement.

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2. Being self-protective:

It is a fact that many people have the habit of being too much self-protective if at all they get a poor feedback for the work done by them. If this attitude continues in the workplace, it is very difficult to excel in your professional life as many co-workers give up all the hopes on you if you start showing your self-protective attitude towards the mistake done by you. It might also lead your colleagues to start avoiding you and also your manager might stop assisting you on how you are suppose to work. So, it is advisable for you to come out of such attitude as soon as possible.

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