Top 5 Steps to Help Your Job-searching Friend

2. If you are not from the jobseeker’s academic background, then it is better not to give unwanted career advices:
Normally, unemployed people will be getting lot of career advices from the family members and friends and many advices they receive will always be repetitive and some of those advises will even be worse without any sense and a lot more advices will be of no use at all that can benefit the jobseeker. If you start giving advice for a jobseeker, who is from a different academic background and not of yours, then it is better to stop giving unnecessary advices which is of no use to them as you don’t know who their academic background works. Apart from that, if you are away from the job market in the recent times, even you might not know how the present trend works to get a job. So, instead of leading your friend who is searching for a job, into a wrong direction, it is better not to give any unwanted advice and if possible introduce to a person who can be of their help in finding the job.