Top 5 Nations Where Employees Work Least

1. Germany

Insight on Germans’ Working Module

Average annual hours per person: 1,330

Average working hours per week: 25.6

Average wage per hour: $35.33 (7th highest)

2011 unemployment rate: 6 percent

Germany is the place every lazy employee wants to work. According to the available information only 5.14 percent Germans are reported to work more than 50 hours in a week. With a low of 1,296 in 2009, Germans have the fewest working hours on average since 2007. The main reason for this, found as of 2011is, among all employees 14 percent are temporary workers and 22.1 percent works part-time.

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Economy doesn’t depend on the working hours you have spent while Germany remains as one of the Great Power and by nominal GDP, this European country possess the fourth largest economy in the world and fifth biggest by purchasing power parity.

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