Top 5 Jobs That Will Never Disappear

5. Farmers:

Though this profession as told in the article “Middle-class jobs that are about to vanish by 2020”, is under the threat of vanishing, it is not going to vanish completely in a country like India, as more than half of the Indian population is depended on this profession. Apart from that, as food is one of basic needs of the mankind, this profession is never going to die, there will be someone who needs to grow it to fulfill this basic need, no matter what ever new technology innovations emerges in the coming years.  So, if you are interested in being a part of this profession without any ambiguity, then you can opt this profession. A farmer’s profession is highly respected throughout the world, because he or she serving as a farmer will always be highly dependent on the weather condition and with a hope they would be cultivating a crop till it grows up.