Top 5 Dangerous Tech Jobs

3. Fixing Undersea Internet Cables

Undersea Internet cables keep people connected online across the world. These cables are laid on the sea bed between land-based stations. In case of any earthquake or fishing trawlers, anchors, turbidity currents and even shark bites, those cables can get damaged. Being these cables are occupying 99 percent of international traffic where satellite links accounted only one percent, it is important to immediately repair them. Workers like cable-installation engineers to controllers of remote-operated vehicles are included in the team. They need to spend weeks or months at sea. Sometimes, even the rubber gloves they wear cannot help them if those cables of 10,000 volts get energized. Your retinas will be exhausted if you look straight at the laser of the sliced cable. Same as the deadliest profession of fisher men, it also carries the same risk.