Top 5 College Majors With Highest Unemployment Rates

5.  History:

As in India, it has already stated that a major in any of the Arts subjects is worthless; this point can become a strong one to prove it. Usually in a country like India, youngsters are not attracted towards the subjects like history, political science, sociology, economics etc which comes under the Arts category. But there are few who choose this course with full interest as they think that knowing about history and philosophy can enhance their knowledge about the society we are living now. They also choose these fields because they feel that these subjects are very close to what we do and see in our everyday life.

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But are these courses having the ability to fetch you a job? Yes, say many who have chose this course and recruited in a very good profession. But, the fact is, not many of them who chose this field can get recruited so easily. Those who take up this course usually prefer choosing the fields of teaching profession, practice law, start serving in NGOs etc. But, to be true, this is one among the majors with the highest unemployment rate as the choice for perfect career with this major is very limited. 

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