Top 25 High Rated CEOs That Are Hiring Now

21.  Jeffrey R. Immelt:

CEO of General Electric

American business executive, Jeffrey R. Immelt is playing the role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the General Electric. He is rated in the top CEOs in the list by Glassdoor with an 82 percent.  He is said to have an influential role in the company’s Aircraft Engines sector. He is working with GE around 30 years. He has been CEO of the General Electric for around 10 years. He was listed 145 in the list of CEO compensation list. In 2008, Time Magazine has named him in the list of 100 most influential people in the world. Operating in different segments like energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance and consumer & industrial sectors, General Electric has posted 1,119 openings online in Forbes website only.

Listed Job Openings: 1,119

20. Edward C. “Ned”:

CEO of Fidelity Investments

He is rated with a 83 percent in Glassdoor survey. Edard Edward Crosby "Ned" Johnson 3rd is an American investor and business man. Fidelity Investments is owned and ran by Edward C. Ned and his daughter. This American multinational financial services firm is one of the largest mutual fund and financial services group in the world . Ned is playing the role of both Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Company has posted around 204 job openings in the Glassdoor website.

Listed Job Openings: 204

19. Jeff Bezos:

CEO of

After leaving his well-paying job, Jeff Bezos started his own e-trading company, after learning the swift in Internet use. This American business man is the founder, president CEO and Chairman of the board of today. He is known for his keen attention in the minute business which made him one of the most significant entrepreneurs. He is ranked in the top list with an 83 percent by Glassdoor. Around 1,329 openings at Amazon is listed in the Forbes website.

Listed Job Openings: 1,329