Top 10 Things You Shouldn't Include on Your Resume

5. Writing the resume in the third person:

Every resume should be written in a first person manner, especially when you are writing something in paragraph. Later, the remaining information can be listed down in point wise than writing them in the form of sentences. Writing a resume in a third person manner is not needed as it is you who is explaining about your own skills and required information.

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4. Including references:

There is no necessity to include reference names if you got the talent that the job needs. Yes, it is true that many job positions are demanding references of key persons to get that job. But, it is not necessary to mention it on the resume. Writing ‘references upon request’ at the bottom of the resume is not needed as it is a mere waste of time, says career coach Eli Amdur on the Business Insider website as reported by Vivian Giang. If your employer needs any references to recruit you to the post, they will ask you for sure if you get selected for the interview session.