Top 10 Things You Shouldn't Include on Your Resume

9. About Your Short-term jobs:

If you have worked for short term jobs, then there is no necessity to mention about your short term job experiences as this might lead the recruiters to think before selecting you, as they would have got to know about the number of companies you have worked in the short period of time. They might think that you might even hop that job within a short period of time if you get selected. Apart from that, there is no need to mention that you have got fired for some reason on the resume, if at all you have got fired from your previous company. If you add such things on your resume, for sure your chances are very low to get selected and that might emerge as a biggest mistake you ever did.

8. Strange Hobbies:

It will be very good if you mention your hobbies like reading books, increasing your knowledge by collecting latest news from various sources of information, playing different sports etc on your resume. But it a big ‘NO’ if you have any plans of mentioning your weird hobbies that can also be disturbing to mention and see, like, eating numerous chilies, performing dangerous stunts as your hobby etc. These weird hobbies are not necessary to be mentioned on your resume because they don’t appear to be a productive hobby that might be of any help in your life.

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