Top 10 Nations to Work In To Earn Big Bucks

7. Switzerland:

The number of immigrants to Switzerland is around 1.8 million immigrants, who are making up to 23 percent of its 7.95 million total populations in the country, reports the AFP [Agence France-Presse]. So, for these immigrants, it is again the financial services industry which is the strongest employer for them in the country. But as the nation’s cost of living is pretty high than any other country, the immigrants might find trouble times as the high cost of living might impact of their income as well, never mind how much more they earn.

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8. UAE and U.S.A:

Yet again these are the two nations which share the eighth slot. In UAE, the taxation benefits in the country have increased the immigrants buying power. But, immigrants in this nation have seen economic downturn locally in the past 2 to 3 years.

When it comes to United States, no doubt there are lots of Indian immigrants who have settled in this nation for their professional life.  The key reason for this is because they can really earn big bucks if you are settled in this country. However, the immigrants over there have reported that, they pay very high when it comes to healthcare and insurance costs when compared with the time they immigrated years ago.

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10. Qatar:

No doubt Qatar is another most popular destination for Indian professionals to settle in. It has been reported that nearly 83 percent of immigrants who have settled in Qatar, work solely to make more money and advance in their career prospectus. This has made the country number one nation when it comes to immigrants who are able to save and invest more than what they did when they relocated over there. They have a great income as well as they save their income well and know how to spend it smartly.