Top 10 IT Firms in India with Highest Women Employees

Bangalore: In India, the IT sector has raised to a great extent over the years and it has not only brought a smile in the face of many youths, but also it has been also considered as one of the promising sectors to work in the present economy.
Well, as mentioned in ‘The Times of India’ website, the IT sector in India directly employs over 25 lakh professionals from around the country and it is trying its best to manage the gender diversity in a better way than compared to many other sectors. At present, in many of the IT companies in India, around 30 percent plus posts are reserved or filled in with women employees, but still the sector has to work out when it comes to the senior management level posts to women workers because, at present their proportion is less than 10 percent in the higher level of management in most of the companies and in some companies there are none such posts occupied by a woman. Here we bring you the top IT firms in India which has the highest percentage of women workers, as reported in ‘The Times of India’ website.