Tips to Crack an Interview

3. Why You:

Confidence is the key for get through any interview. Know your strengths and weakness, and accordingly device a perfect persona to face the interview. Know your strong points to sell them, the key is to stay positive and without looking over confident.

4. The Advantages:

Every employer is on a look out for talent / skilled employees. Hence it is very essential to let them know what you can offer to the organization, how you can be a value add. It is all about presenting yourself as the best of the lot. You got to make yourself look good, by dressing smarly, look organized with a well prepared resume and keep a check on your body language, everything together plays a part when getting hired.  Most importantly all these are under your watch and control, so you can work on them.

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5. Know Your Worth:

Do your home work  and quote a figure for your salary. Try to do some research regarding what the company’s pay package standard is in the market ? and if it is possible find out what your peers are receiving. Do not be shy  asking for what you deserve.

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6. Rehearse a bit:

Rehearsal can increase the possibility of landing the  job. Try visualizing the interview process, if possible practice questioning and  answering standing in front of a mirror or with your close friend.