The Toughest Companies to Land a Job

#9. Stryker
The next firm that is in focus is the Michigan based medical equipment firm, Stryker Corporation. The company that specializes in the development of medical implants, surgical and imaging technologies, as well as patient handling and emergency medical equipment, is renowned for its tough screening process. With a screening process that on average spans over 35 days and an interview difficulty rating of 3.6 out of a possible 5, this organization definitely deserves a place in this list.            
#8. Google
The search engine giant that specializes in internet related products and services is slotted at the eighth position in the list of companies that are the most difficult to get through. With an astounding interview difficulty rating of 3.6 and a screening process that spans approximately 37 days, the conglomerate has proved to the world that landing a job at this firm is not a child’s play and only the finest can make it through the interviews.
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