The Most Difficult Jobs to Get On Earth

Bangalore: Each and every individual aspires to land a job to lead a happy and prosperous life. And it is fact that some jobs can be obtained very easily; some need a little effort; and some require a life time of hard work. Here is a list of jobs that are the most difficult jobs to get in the world, as reported on College Times website.   

1. Astronaut:

Astronaut is undoubtedly the coolest profession on the Earth. Though it is on the to-do list of every aspiring individual, becoming an astronaut is not easy. No doubt this profession needs fittest individuals on the Earth in terms of physical and mental condition. Their job description involves operating, commanding or piloting a spacecraft in a quest to understand the universe. Prolonged engineering training and military jet test piloting are cited as the requirements for selections as an astronaut. Astronauts have to undergo a grueling training regiment which includes high performance jet training, and extra vascular training such as weightlessness and buoyancy training, to endure the challenges in space.

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The chances of landing in this profession are approximately 1 in 1, 21, 00,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). With a few dozen openings every year, this is the hardest and the most challenging profession to enter into. In addition, potential astronaut candidates don’t even get an opportunity until they gain the necessary experience to be considered for the role.

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