The Most Dangerous Industries In The World
Government: This job is a bit more hardcore compared to the rest of the above mentioned sectors. We all know the kind of hassle it is to work in an environment where corruption is the language and the only way of survival is to be corrupt. There have been more than 450 deaths in this sector. What can be the cause for death? Homicides, assassinations (very minimal), slips and falls, to name a few, these are the causes of death.
Health and Education services: A bit of a surprise with these two sectors being named but it is has seen about 135 deaths in the past year. What can be the causes of death in these fields? Well in the health sector it has to do with travelling, road accidents and diseases. In education it is usually homicides and attacks. Guess nothing in this world is free of violence.
Manufacturing industry: This sector is an industry where you are counting the number of your days every day because of the uncertainty it comes with. A job in this industry means dealing with machinery and equipments that can turn on you any moment of the day. There is also the problem where you have to deal with flying pieces of metal, wood and other materials. So, it isn’t much of a surprise to this job high up on the list.
Agriculture, Farming, Hunting and Fishery: The endless opportunities for death in these jobs are numerous. You could die any day. The causes for deaths are numerous as well like poisonous animals, drowning, being shot, equipment failure and sicknesses. In the past year there have been more than 470 deaths reported. So to avoid death take all the precautionary measures necessary.
Mining: When talking about mining we are looking at the various divisions in the industry from mining of coal, ores, petroleum and precious stones. No matter the kind of mining a worker is into, it is very dangerous where causes of death can be from cave-in, falls, failure of equipments and poisonous gases and chemicals. It is of no joke when people say take precaution and wear protective equipment when getting into this industry because that will earn you another day to live.
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