The Deadliest Mistakes Job Seekers Make

3. Not creating wide networks

Along with believing in your talents, you should also increase your networks. Being in touch with people and letting them to know you are in search of a job will help you know some job openings through your peer groups. There is no shame in asking the job openings. You can make use of your parents’, relatives’, friends’, teachers’ or trainers’ friend circles to land an interview call. Your passive networking activities may cost you a job.  

Check out here Your Resume is the Reason for Not Getting Interview Calls

4. A careless resume and cliché cover letter

As you need to be careful in your professional life, as much as you have to be careful in job search also. Resume being the first communication medium between you and your prospective employer, your language skills should be vivid in the resume. More than what you say about yourself, a resume can reveal your personality, your organization skills, interpersonal and communication skills, and your skills in prioritizing important matters (a lot more can be added in the list). Following a cliché and traditional cover letter also harm your job search. Many found passive to customize their cover letter according to the job description and job profile.

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