The Biggest Blunders People Make on a New Job

2. Building a Reputation as a Procrastinator:

Avoid putting off difficult tasks in favor of carrying out easier assignments. This is because, by doing so you are actually labeling yourself as a procrastinator who cannot get things done within the allotted time. Always be proactive and take the initiative to get the job done.

3. Trying Too Hard To Fit In:

Though positive relationship can be a boon at workplace, never try too hard or indulge in gossiping in a bid to build constructive relationships.

As per Johnson, focusing on building relationships and trying too hard to fit in can end up poisoning the working environment. Being independent of the good or bad opinions and earning a reputation as an individual who plays straight can go a long way in the pursuit of career growth and success.

4. Trying to Make the Best of a Bad Situation:

As per Johnson, it would be a mistake to be optimistic and trying to make the best of bad situation in a non-conducive working environment. And he added that, it would be better to move on and land a different job, rather than stay on and work in such toxic environment.

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