The 10 Most Disliked Professions

5. Technical Specialist:

A technical analyst basically defines, design, analyze, construct, test, install and modify medium or large infrastructures. This is a crucial position of an organization that requires good knowledge of engineering and familiarity with various computer languages. However, most the technical specialists have reported that despite of their high level of technical expertise, they were treated disrespectfully. They also pointed out the lack of communication from the higher management and reported that their advice was not taken seriously.       

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4. Senior Web Developer:

Senior web developers design, develop and maintain applications for the internet. Senior web developers are expected to have good command over client-side and server-side contexts, and other computer related technologies. However, most of the senior web developers reported unhappiness with their jobs. This cited that their employees were unable to communicate coherently and lacked understanding of related technologies.   

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3. Product Manager:

The title ‘Product Manager’ takes on several meanings, depending on the company and the type of the sector. In some cases, the job requires simple evaluation, and in others, resource management and scheduling are involved.

The level of job discontent was very high with product managers. They reported that their growth was very restricted, and added that the work was very boring and involved lot of clerical work, which was rare with other high positions.