Terrible Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost Your Job

5. No Proper Eye Contact:

A proper-eye contact with the recruiter you are talking will be considered as you are confident about what you are talking. Without a proper eye-contact, it will be regarded as that you feel shy while interacting with others. Most of the candidates will do the mistake of not interacting with the recruiters with a proper eye-contact.

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Patti Wood is of the opinion that, it is fine if you as the candidate look across your surrounding while talking to the recruiters, as you will be accessing different parts of your brain by moving your eyes to get a proper answer for the question that has been asked. But you need to be very much attentive whenever the recruiter is talking to you and listen what they say properly to avoid any complications in the future. You shouldn’t forget the fact that a proper eye contact acts like a connection tool between the people who are talking to each other, so never go wrong in this matter at any time.

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