Success Tips for Shy Employees

2. Do not let others to take an advantage of you: Often it is seen that people in a workplace tend to take advantage of individuals who are shy. They are quite familiar with the fact that no matter how much a shy person is overloaded with work and his ideas are ignored, he will never protest for the bad behavior. However, it is very important for a shy person to remember that this kind of behavior won’t stop until and unless he /she make an effort to stop it. Therefore, they should directly tell the manager that he / she will not work if he/ she is not paid for the overtime. Likewise, they should not hesitate to tell the manager about the office bully. 

3. Choose Topics Related to Common Interest: It is always advisable for shy people to start conversing with people based on the subjects that they are passionate and knowledgeable about. This is sure to make the conversation uncomplicated. Likewise, they should keep in mind to choose topics of conversation related to the common interest by keeping their ears and eyes open to identify other peoples’ interests. People generally love to talk about their own interest; therefore, shy individuals should use this as an ice- breaker to start their conversation.