Revealed!! 7 Things You Didn't Know About Job Interview

7. Be careful about your hand gestures:

Your hand actions can deliver a lot of signs and signals to the person sitting in front of you and as the situation is like this, it will be very much necessary for you to be attentive on whatever signs you do by using your hand. If you are curious to know some of the hand gestures that you can use, check out below.

a. Showing your palms signifies that you are sincere.

b. Holding your palms downwards shows your dominating nature. So, it is better not to shake your hands with your palms down.

c. Putting the hands inside your pocket and talking shows that you are hiding something from them.

d. Taping the figures every time shows your impatience level.

e. Avoid holding your arms crossed because it shows that you are very defensive.

So, these are some of the hand gestures that you need to be aware while appearing for a job interview.