Professions That Can Make You a Millionaire

5. Medicine:

The medicinal field offers some of the most lucrative and stable professions in the world. Some of the best-paid professionals in this field include surgeon, physician, anesthesiologist, obstetrician and gynecologist.

As per the PayScale website, the average annual income of a Surgeon is in the range of 3.05 lakh to 22.69 lakh.  The median salary of the physician is approximately 1.29 lakh to 12.11 lakh. The annual salary of an anesthesiologist is around 3.69 lakh to 18.69 lakh, where as the median salary of an obstetrician or gynecologist is approximately 1.23 lakh to 56.02 lakh.

Another booming profession in this sector is that of a medical scientist. The annual salary of this professional is approximately 1.97 lakh to 11.68 lakh, as listed by the PayScale website.

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