Overcome Your Phobias in the Workplace

Many of you cannot face office presentations or conference. If you are afraid of giving a presentation, you should improve your self confidence. Through taking small steps such as trying to speak with a small group for few minutes and slowly you can increase the size of audience to wipe away the fear of public speaking. Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of "A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness," says there are few ways to overcome phobias, reports Careerbuilder.com.  

Phobias can go worse if you are struggling with high stress level. Practicing exercise, meditation and breathing work outs can reduce your stress level. Keeping your mind full of thoughts related to phobias will again a big fault, you should divert your thoughts to some light topics which is not related to your phobia.  Lombardo says, “Ironically, avoiding your fear makes it stronger. A technique called systematic desensitization causes you to couple your fear with relaxation techniques. So, just like how Pavlov's dog salivated at the sound of the bell, people's bodies will relax, or at least not be so tense, when they are exposed to their phobia.” Also, seeking help from experts will help you to treat your phobia with right approach.