Most Powerful Words to Use in Your Resume to Get a Job

1. Use the word “Successfully”:

Every potential employer likes to hear or see the word “Success” in a resume or during the job interview. So, while highlighting your skills, it is better to use the word “I successfully…” in describing your achievements and responsibilities. You need to use this word in a rather potential way that can prove you are a winner in the past and have the ability to continue being a winner in the future as well. You also need to prove them that; you are the better or worthy candidate for the job that has been offered by using the word “success” In appropriate places wherever necessary, reports the head huntable website.

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2. Use the word “I applied”:

Using the word “applied” in your resume can describe your working nature and skills. But the point to be noted here is, using the word “applied” shouldn’t mean, why you have applied for that post. Instead the word “Applied” should be used to describe your skills. You should point out your significant skill sets explaining where you had applied them in solving various problems or creating something new of your own. For example, you can mention the word ‘applied’ while describing, “I applied my skills in creating this particular product”.

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