Most Popular Non-Corporate Jobs That Pay Well

3. Pilot:

Though this profession is not much meant for a woman, men can experience enjoyment in this profession if they like to travel from one place to another. Apart from that, the responsibility also increases as they are responsible for all the lives that are travelling on air. He is in full in charge of taking care of the safety and its operations during flight. The pilot in command is always referred as a Captain. The journey of travelling on air is undoubtedly a thrilling experience especially if you are a pilot you can enjoy these kinds of journeys quite often. But apart from this positive factor, you also need to know that travelling al the time on air also can be a stressful experience. So, you need to be very much careful regarding this fact. In India, if you serve as a pilot for any commercial airlines you can really expect a big pay packet of nearly 5-7 Lakh. But it all depends on your experience.

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