Most Hated Job Interview Questions by Candidates

1.  Mathematical Questions:

Yes, everyone especially who are from an arts background, cannot figure out the proper answer when they are asked about any sought of mathematics related questions in just one go. This is because; they would have not been in solving the mathematical sums everyday in their life. Not only these people, but candidates from science and commerce background can also go wrong sometimes while answering any sought of mathematical questions. So, during this situation, as a productive candidate, you need to tell the interviewer that, you will get back to answer very soon after you have worked on it a bit.  Remember, while answering this question, never ever ask how this question is related to the job you are being interviewed, as you might end up in trouble of not worthy for that position.

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Apart from that, never get panicked, if you are asked a mathematical question, instead try being calm and cool with getting pressurized.

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