Most Fascinating Jobs on Earth Everyone Must Try Once

2. Food Critic:
This can be one of the best professions on earth as everyone loves to be a ‘foodie’ type of a person in their everyday life.  If you think you are an excellent foodie who loves to slurp new food items, then you are most eligible to be a food critic. There can be no other better job than as a food critic if you love slurping new food on a daily basis. The pay for this profession is also not so less as you think, because, in other words this can be considered as a lucrative career. But, all it demands is to figure out the perfect taste in whatever you eat, and if you fail in this task definitely your job is in trouble, as your employer would be completely dependent on you by trusting your taste buds.
In this profession you can also enjoy travelling because, in many cases, you might be asked to travel different places inside your country or travel overseas and taste the variety of dishes that is popular in each place you visit. So, this can be one of the most fascinating careers you can opt for at least once in your lifetime.