Most Epic "I Quit" Moments

Bangalore: Well there are lots of people across the world who likes to get the attention of the people around them at any situation; it can be by performing something unique or by performing some dangerous acts. Likewise, have you heard of people resigning from their job in a different way? Yes, there are some people who have resigned to their post in such a manner that it has considered to be one among the “Epic ‘I Quit’ Moments Ever”. So, here’s a list of those professionals who said “I Quit” in a different form reported by Martha C.White on Time Moneyland Wesite.

1. Steven Slater:

Steven when he was a JetBlue flight attendant curse d out the traveler and immediately after that he opened up the plane’s emergency exit door and slid down the parachute into the annals of over-the-top he wrote “I Quit”. This act is considered as an epic moment and this particular stunt gave him 15 minutes of fame which he had not achieved in his 20 years of career in aviation.