Most Awful Career Goof-Ups to Be Avoided

2. Making Friends with Colleagues:

Making friends with those who work around you is a natural act that is apparently charming. Although it is important to share an excellent bond with your co-workers, being entrapped by the colleagues to lend your ear to others problem, or even worse, pouring your emotional outbursts on their attentive ears, can lead to more harm than good in the long run. 

Do bear in mind that you are there to work, not to make friends, and your emotional outburst could easily be misinterpreted and used to defame you as a person.

3. Changing Profiles Mid-Career:

Discovering a hidden or dormant skills / talent, at any point of time in an individual’s career, can truly be a blessing. However, a change of profile primarily for the sake of a better pay may just land an individual in misery for a long time to come. Hence, recognize the inherent penalties of such twists thoroughly, before you make the leap and switch profiles.