Majority of Indian Professionals All Set For a Job Change

The study also figured out that in order to enjoy career progression and job mobility, majority of the Indian professionals wanted to shift their professions to a more independent and authorized workforce. More professionals are expecting to gain new experiences and skills from different employers.

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The term of serving in one particular company has also been shortened in the recent decades and only 31 percent of the professionals believed a career-for-life idea with just one employer in the modern workplace. Surprisingly, it is the young professionals who are more attracted to the idea of a career-for-life than their older counterparts.

When it comes to which category of professionals are having more positive view of experience with multiple employers, it is the employees who have more professional and technical skills like the sales, engineering, IT, healthcare, law etc., professionals who have a positive view of experience with different recruiters than compared to those of non-professional employees like those who work in call centers, clerical jobs, administrative jobs etc.

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So, in this survey, around 1, 70,000 professionals from 30 different countries participated in the survey where more than 4,000 professionals were from India.