Lucrative Yet Underrated Jobs of 2013
8. Civil Engineer
Projected Growth Outlook: 19 Percent
Median Salary: 1.76 lakh to
9.74 lakh
This is a line of work that is on a boom and projected increase in infrastructure-related construction in the future is likely to further add to the boom in the field. The positive outlook, lucrative pay, and the constructive work environment are some of the USP of this profession.
9. Librarian
Projected Growth Outlook: 19 Percent
Median Salary: 0.86 lakh to 6.01 lakh (PayScale)
The job opportunities are not many and the competition can be stiff, yet the job scores heavily on pay. Yes, the advancements in technology have taken the sheen away from the job, nevertheless when it comes to stress levels and constructive workplace none of the new age jobs come close to it.
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