Looking for Extraordinary Perks: Check Out These Companies

Boost Media: Boost Media optimizes digital marketing platforms for the best brands around the world. Its work is to search optimize and test digital advertising via social display and media platforms to gain knowledge of the specific kind of ad that will touch every audience.

Speaking of perks, Boost Media has got adventurous and festive celebrations. They plan for different trips where employees participate in camping and many fun activities. In addition to this, they even throw awesome holiday parties which are full of fun.

Bigcommerce: Bigcommerce emerged as a very successful company since 2009, offering software resources to the small businesses which were only available to large companies earlier. It has gathered as many as 55,000 clients in 150 countries, and has hired a total of 370 employees.

Like all top companies, it has kitchens and well equipped gyms. But as an exception, it also provides in-office yoga and massages. To give its employees relaxation and energy, they have installed game rooms with an Xbox and a PlayStation.
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