Learn the Trick of Dealing with 13 Kinds of Bosses

10. The Idiot

Though this is highly unlikely, every once in a while, these kinds of individuals somehow manage to move up the ranks and land a job in the higher management. And working under these kinds of managers is the most challenging on the list.

If you ever land a job under such kind of a boss, try to maintain a strong work ethic. And if you work hard and churn out your best irrespective of the difficulties, chances are that one day you might replace your idiotic boss.

11. The Underqualified

In some cases, you may find bosses who are less educated and less familiar with the business or the industry than you. Simply because your boss seems inferior and underqualified, doesn’t mean that he/she lack the necessary leadership skills or he/she is not going to be great boss. If your boss is struggling to get acclimatized with the work or carry out a task that you really know, lend a helping hand and bring him/her up to speed, which might help you in the future.

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