Know Why it's Better to be Away From Office Politics

3. Office politics spoils the chances of career advancement which is based on merits:
If you’re less qualified co-worker gets promotion, then no doubt, you will be jealous of him or her, especially if you are more qualified than him or her. You might think at this stage that, they would have got transferred to higher post only because; they had better connections that had helped them to get over the top in their profession. But if you want to grow in your professional life, you need to believe in merit, because none of the office politics can hurt you from growing to greater heights in your professional life.
4. Office politics has the capacity to make you incapable:
Yes, if you are stuck in office politics and still think that you haven’t reached to higher posts even after working so hard; beware, because there are chances of your incompetent managers who might be taking away all the credits of your hard work and advance in their own careers. So, make sure you reach out in a candid way about what all you have achieved to your super seniors at work if you get such a chance.