Jobs That Are Alien To Your Parents

Radio Producer

A radio producer is someone who supervises the making of a radio show. Audio and content producers are the types of roles that a radio station generally requires. Radio is now booming with different type of job roles and many people are fascinated to become a part of it. The main issue with becoming a radio producer is that it is not easily understood by most parents. About 51 percent of parents find it complicated to understand this field. Explain to your parents that your work is to manage radio shows by choosing music and themes, booking guests, and patching callers through.


Sociologists are those who do the study of human behavior and analyze people’s manners. 52 percent of parents find it difficult to understand this profession and do not really know why their children want to join this field. You can explain to them that through this line of work, you can understand human minds and people’s beliefs by conducting and analyzing surveys and interviews.
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